Exporting in FBX format



Export FBX (3D only)

File > Export

This command exports 3D objects to .fbx format. This format may provide better results than the older 3DS file format.

To export an FBX file:

Select the command.

The Export FBX Options dialog box opens. Set the parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Render Mode

Select which render mode to export; for Custom Renderworks, Artistic Renderworks, and Renderworks Styles, click Options to open the appropriate options dialog box and select the settings



All Visible Objects on All Layers

Exports all visible 3D objects from all layers in the Vectorworks file (including objects in design layer viewports). Exclude or include specific types of objects using the check boxes; for example, export geometry but not lights.

All Visible Objects on Active Layer

Exports all visible 3D objects from the current layer (including objects in design layer viewports). Exclude or include specific types of objects using the check boxes; for example, export geometry but not lights.

Selected Objects on Active Layer

Exports only selected 3D objects from the current layer; if no objects are selected, all 3D objects from the active layer are exported

Scene Organization

Select how to organize the scene in the exported model. Native Vectorworks Organization maintains the scene organization as it exists in Vectorworks file; sorting by texture, class, fill color, or line color facilitates different FBX workflows.

Export Symbols as Render Instances

(Cinema 4D export required)

This option does not apply to FBX export


Select which kinds of objects to include in the export (Backgrounds and Planar Objects only apply to Cinema 4D export)

Specify the export file name and destination.


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